Zehntes Didaktik-Forum an der THB am 1. / 2. Juli 2021 (online)

Mittlerweile sind fast drei Semester vergangen, in denen die Lehre bis auf wenige Ausnahmen online stattgefunden hat. Die Herausforderungen der ersten Zeit sind einer gewissen Routine gewichen. Dank des Engagements aller Beteiligter, sich jeden Tag aufs Neue auf die digitale Lehre – einschließlich elektronischer Prüfungen – einzulassen, konnten wir unsere Lehre auch im virtuellen Raum auf hohem Niveau anbieten. Unter dem (fast) altbekannten Motto „Experiences, good practices and new ideas to share: Motivating & Teaching diverse study groups – ONLINE?!” hatten wir auch in diesem Jahr zu einem Austausch über gute Lehrpraxis eingeladen.

Hier finden Sie Eindrücke und Präsentationen des zehnten Didaktik-Forums 2021: Rückblick Didaktik-Forum 2021

10th Didaktik-Forum on 1-2 July 2021 (online)
Experiences, good practices and new ideas to share: Motivating & Teaching diverse study groups – ONLINE?!”

Meanwhile almost three semesters during this pandemic have passed and teaching in Higher Education has changed its face. Different methods and technologies have been used to support remote teaching, also in hybrid teaching settings. Although referred to as the “new normal“, online teaching with limited social interaction remains challenging. On the other hand, with improved technologies and skills as well as a different approach to teaching online, also new opportunities have been created, e.g. for cooperation across borders

Here you find screenshots and presentations of the 10th Didaktik-Forum 2021: Review Didaktik-Forum 2021

Program 01.07.2021

TimeTitelName, Institution
09:30Opening and Welcome AddressProf. Dr. Rolf Socher, Vice President for Teaching and International Affairs
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences
09:40Hands-on Experience (I) IntroductionRegina Schalinski, M.Ed.
Dr. Eva-Maria Muhle
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences
09:50Concept and first experience of an interdisciplinary project in the department of engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Flassig
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kraska
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences

10:40Session about digitalization and didactic strategies: Teaching methods in a digital diverse space - what are our best practices?Charlotta Edlund, M.Sc.
Cecilia Lindh, PhD
Mälardalen University, Schweden
11:30Early Lunch Break
12:15Experiences from using individual digital audio feedback Prof. Dr. Vera Meister
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences
13:05Technically connected, socially lost? Prof. Dr. Madalena Abreu  
Coimbra Buisness School / ISCAC, Portugal
13:55Summary of the Day and OutlookProf. Dr. Rolf Socher, Vice President for Teaching and International Affairs
Regina Schalinski, M.Ed.
Dr. Eva-Maria Muhle
14:05End of first Day

 Program 02.07.2021

TimeTitelName, Institution
09:30Welcome and Introduction
Hands-on Experience (II)
Prof. Dr. Rolf Socher, Vice President for Teaching and International Affairs
Dr. Eva-Maria Muhle
Regina Schalinski, M.Ed.
09:40Mixed Media Methods: Teaching Digital Media in Times of a Pandemic

Prof. Alexander Peterhänsel
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences

10:30Climate, energy and sustainability, an interdisciplinary general education course

Prof. Dr. Michael Vollmer
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences

11:20Early Lunch Break
12:05Asynchronous online learning resources with instant feedback: technical aspects and ac-ceptance by studentsProf. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kraska
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences
12:55Preparing a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)Prof. Dr. Joan Solé-Pla
Universitat de Girona
13:45Summary - overall discussion / outlook
14:05End of Conference